Building over sewers or public drains | Help | Thames Water
There are three classes of build over agreement, depending on the size of the public sewer or lateral drain you wish to build over - see the FAQ section below for more details. You’ll need to supply essential documents with your application.
Connecting to a sewer | Home improvements | Help - Thames Water
If you’re building a new home or changing your drainage layout, your builder might have told you to apply for permission to connect to a sewer or move a manhole. Here’s what you need to do: Before you apply
Moving Thames water manhole - MyBuilder
Jun 3, 2019 · Moving a manhole requires approval on a Building notice, also a build over agreement with Thames Water. If your drawings are from a structural engineer and he has indicated just a "Y" branch this would suggest this will just be a …
Did you know Thames Water is legally responsible for more than 100,000 kilometres of public sewers? If you are building a new dwelling or extending an existing building, it is very likely you will be building within 3 metres of a public sewer.
Manhole covers | Emergencies | Help | Thames Water
We’re responsible for manholes that are outside of property boundaries. If you spot a broken or missing manhole cover which you believe is ours, please report it to us. We'll visit to make the area safe, and we’ll replace or repair any damaged covers that are ours.
Moving manhole for extension? - Mumsnet
Jan 16, 2021 · Thames Water would usually want to CCTV the sewer, before and after the works too. Your other option could be to remove the manhole completely (which is what Thames Water would state anyway) and provide a new inspection chamber or manhole to …
Thames Water: How we can help - Build Team Blog
Thames Water want to know whether any pipes or manholes are going to be moved. If you do need to move pipes or manholes, they will need to be completely removed and reconstructed outside of the extension area.
Moving Manhole Cover - MyBuilder
You need to check with Thames water because in some occasions we are allowed to remove the manhole and reconnect the lines with appropriate pipes and junctions and provide a rodding eye.
Build over Agreement with Thames Water - Mumsnet
Jun 18, 2020 · To move it will need Thames water and the neighbouring house agreement. I'd knock on the door and say you are considering buying next door and would like to extend which will require moving the manhole.
Build over Thames water sewer & manhole cover for extens
Jul 9, 2010 · Thames Water were surprisingly accommodating. I sent in the application then spoke to their buildover office. They advised a rodding hole with Y-connection into the sewer, then cover over the existing manhole (see new images).