The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - View Single Post
Thread: Miami to Bimini Ferry. View Single Post 01-13-2013, 04:31 AM ... One is on north bimini and the ...
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Miami to Bimini Ferry
The ferry is suppose to dock in North Bimini at the Government Dock. They are also planning to continue to Grand Bahama if all goes well. They have been dredging the channel in North Bimini to make it deep enough because its a big boat. In the original article the ferry was suppose to start the first week of June but it looks like early July ...
Boating and Fishing Forum - Official Bimini 2024 thread - The Hull …
Jan 17, 2024 · You can take the ferry over and back but once you are on North Bimini you will be walking so you'll pretty much be in the Alice town and adjoining areas because it is too far really to walk to Resorts World (IMO) Definitely check out Big Game Club - nice dock walk plus decent food and make sure to check out Sharkey's bar and the cleaning table ...
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Miami to Bimini Ferry
I really hope they don't ever build a casino, and I don't think the ferry idea is that great. Bimini is supposed to be that little place in the middle of nowhere, sandy beaches, great fishing, snorkeling, etc. Heck that's more than enough for me, I don't need no stinking casinos, clubs and noise. :bashhh: Peace is what's all about.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - View Single Post
Jan 13, 2013 · Best bet is to leave your boat in Bimini at somewhere like big game for $500/month and fly back and forth. Everyother time you enter the bahamas with a boat its $150 for boats up to 35' and $300 36' and over, so add that to your equation for a budget.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - View Single Post
Feb 21, 2013 · Ferry runs Friday thru Sunday. Leaves Miami at 9am arrives Bimini around noon. Leaves Bimini at 5 pm arrives Miami around 8 pm. The cheaper prices are for same day trips. I priced out a multi day trip in March and it was $198 (inclusive of US departure fee of $18). I am sure there will be other charges. Limited on amount you can carry.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Miami to Bimini Ferry
I actually hope it works out...my family owns a lot on south bimini and it would be awesome to leave the boat over there for a few months at a time. RP...as for marinas in Bimini...i would check with Bimini Sands and see if they offer slips...or like someone mentioned earlier, Bimini Big Game has slips for around 500 a month.
Bimini top install? - The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum
Aug 18, 2005 · Then measure across the boat to see how wide the bimini will be. Then measure from the floor of the boat to the mounting point, and subtract that distance from the desired height of the bimini. I'm 6'4" - I like at least 1' of headroom so I would order my bow length so the bimini height would be ~7'6". Get stainless everything.
Bimini top up. How fast? - The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing …
Mar 1, 2008 · I also use a zip in clear connector curtain from the bimini to the top of the windshield in inclement weather, the curtain adds soem more wind drag, but the bimini stayed intact. Got buddy that runs his 26 mako CC with twin 200's on consistently with the top up around 35-37 mpk without a problem.
Front runner Cats - The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum
This was going to be my point. I have crossed to Bimini in true 4-5s in a larger, quality CC and it was pretty awful. We crossed again on that fast ferry out of Miami one time due to the waves being in the 8' range. That thing is a monster and holds like 1000 people. It was a great ride considering the conditions but people were puking everywhere.