COP29 was meant to address climate finance—how to fund the urgent and escalating costs of mitigating and adapting to climate ...
The International Court of Justice is considering what legal obligations countries have to protect the climate.
This year is "effectively certain" to be the warmest on record and the first calendar year in which average global ...
U.S. Rep. (R-12th) writes a guest column about his experience at the U.N.'s 29th Climate Change Conference last month in ...
The top United Nations court has taken up the largest case in its history, hearing the plight of several small island nations ...
On December 4, the US made an oral statement in the International Court of Justice’s Advisory Opinion relating to the ...
The top United Nations court has taken up the largest case in its history, hearing the plight of small island nations facing ...
The island nation of Vanuatu criticized representatives for major emitters like the U.S. and China for their remarks during ...
Halfway through marathon climate change hearings at the world's top court, battle lines are being drawn between developed ...