Advice for carers for people with epilepsy and a learning disability, including information on the link between epilepsy and ...
Kami Kountcheva | While we lobby the government for long-term solutions and expand our helpline to offer more targeted support around medicine, we share tips to help make sure you’ve always got a ...
Kami Kountcheva | A London man died from a seizure after “a significant number of failings” from health services in the days before his death meant he was left without his epilepsy medication, an ...
Kami Kountcheva | People affected by epilepsy medications while they were in the womb can now seek support from a new Fetal Exposure to Medicines Service (FEMS), available in the north of England.
1. to join the London Landmarks Half Marathon WhatsApp Group 2. to customise the iron-on name for your running top ...
Kami Kountcheva | People are having seizures, medical procedures and nursing care in corridors, storerooms and even toilets in UK hospitals says a new report by the Royal College of Nursing. People ...
Tonic-clonic seizures are the type of epileptic seizure most people recognise. In the past they were called grand-mal seizures. Tonic-clonic seizures can have a generalised onset, meaning they affect ...
Tonic seizures can be generalised onset, meaning they affect both sides of the brain from the start. Or they can be focal onset, meaning they start in just one side of the brain. If a tonic seizure ...
What is an MRI scan? MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. The MRI scan uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create images (pictures) of tissues, organs and other structures inside ...
We know that for some people with epilepsy, cannabis-based medicines can be effective in controlling seizures. We are campaigning for more research into cannabis-based medicines as well as for more ...
Sodium valproate is a medicine used to treat epilepsy. For some people it might be the most effective epilepsy medicine. However, sodium valproate carries a higher risk than other anti-seizure ...
Epilepsy Action is the working name of British Epilepsy Association, a registered charity in England and Wales (No. 234343) and a company limited by guarantee (No. 797997) in England.