On the Saturday morning before Thanksgiving, the warm kitchen of Providence Hall filled with the scent of roasted turkey.
The major relics of St. Thomas Aquinas, “The Angelic Doctor,” are on tour and scheduled to make a stop in Washington this ...
Love means putting the other’s welfare first. Not in a “doormat” way, of course. We are created in the image and likeness of ...
While world events can seem chaotic, violent and out of control, Christians can be certain that "everything is ultimately ...
Everyone has a favorite Thanksgiving food, even clergy and religious throughout the diocese. For those looking for a new ...
Not every Christian is called to be an apostle, prophet or evangelist, Pope Francis said, but all Christians can cultivate ...
Parishioners will be asked at weekend Masses Dec. 7-8 to consider contributing to the diocesan Catholic Charities Parish ...
When Catholics approach a church tribunal or canon lawyer, they "must always meet the face of our mother, the holy church, ...
The release of season 5 of the hit series “The Chosen” was announced Nov. 25 by 5&2 Studios. “The Chosen: Last Supper” is ...
In 1925, in the wake of the horror of the Great War, Pope Pius XI created the Solemnity of Christ the King, which we ...
Catechists across the diocese congregated for community, encouragement and education at the annual Diocesan Catechetical ...
The legacy of a Catholic Mary Washington College alumna (now University of Mary Washington) in Fredericksburg continues to ...