Well, on Sunday February 23, 15 boats skippered 13 men and two woman from eight countries, set off from Antigua on the first ...
It has been well received in the market, too, by both consumers and the judges of the most prestigious product awards. It won the 2023 DAME design award at METS, Time magazine’s Best Invention Award ...
Here’s a shot I took at twilight looking down on the well-protected Admiralty Bay, Bequia, the Grenadines ...
In 30 years of boating along the west coast of Wales in the United Kingdom, Steven Copeland had never experienced a serious incident and certainly not one that involved a Coast Guard intervention. But ...
Many of us who have dedicated chart plotters on our boats or multifunction displays (MFDs), also have charting and routing apps on out phones and tablets that we can take home with us and use ashore.
As with so much else with this new Presidency, the flurry of activity and the barrage of executive orders and high-level firings, creates a kind of fog for those of us on the outside trying to grasp ...
The data is fed into the NWS forecast model known as the GFS along with data from NOAA satellites and a host of other sources. The GFS combines data from four distinct models: atmosphere, ocean, ...
Big news seems to surround Cole these days and the latest headline is that she has been selected to be a co-skipper aboard Boris Hermann’s IMOCA 60 Malizia. Hermann just completed his second Vendee ...
Almost 40 years ago, US Sailing adopted the role as lead provider of Safety at Sea Seminars, which have long been considered the gold standard of safety preparation for coastal and offshore sailors, ...