Costilla County and state law enforcement are investigating a person’s death in southern Colorado as a possible animal attack ...
Colorado is spending $500,000 on 12 range riders to patrol core counties where wolf-livestock conflicts have and are expected ...
This is the second in a two-part series addressing how Roaring Fork Valley ranchers are trying to manage a new life with ...
Wolf reintroduction and management issues, threats to lynx habitat, and mountain lion harvest limit reductions have been ...
She voiced concern over programs not being in place to help ranchers deal with wolves. "Wyoming did their reintroduction in eight years and CPW did it in three years; we are rushed," she said ...
She voiced concern over programs not being in place to help ranchers deal with wolves. "Wyoming did their reintroduction in eight years and CPW did it in three years; we are rushed," she said before ...
Denver 7's Colette Bortolon reports on the second year of Colorado's wolf reintroduction initiative, as 15 wolves from Canada, along with five previously captured wolves, are released into Eagle and ...
Gray wolves in Colorado are now knocking on Mesa County’s door after the release of further animals into the state earlier ...
From Jan. 10 to Jan. 18, Colorado Parks and Wildlife completed the second round of wolf releases since December 2023, ...
A female gray wolf traveled in watersheds—alongside natural water sources such as rivers and streams—in Chaffee, Park and Fremont counties in January, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife's ...
With range riding, Alderspring Ranch has not lost one ranch animal to wolves in over a decade, and its operators have never had to kill any wolf for depredation. Their range practices — along with ...