Lee, who first introduced the bill in an effort to “ban Pride flags,” argued displaying the Nazi and Confederate flags ... has continued to do so on a national level. Last month, Trump denied ...
Lee, who first introduced the bill in an effort to “ban Pride flags,” argued displaying the Nazi and Confederate flags may be necessary ... President Donald Trump has continued to do so on a national ...
1st Class Roland L ... in the South that were named after Confederate leaders. In 2020, Congress helped them decide what to do when it passed the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, which ...
American flag is hung in background ... in the 1920s to honor Confederate leaders and segregationists. Georgia’s all-white General Assembly in 1926 first selected Dr. Crawford Long, a physician ...
On his first day as defense secretary ... a Black man killed by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Confederate flags and base names can be offensive to many Americans, who see them as reminders ...
The Utah bill only allows staff members on government property to fly the national, state ... a cold day in hell before I see a Nazi or Confederate flag flown in or near my room.” ...
It was his first visit to the racetrack since 2020 ... The president lashed out at Wallace and NASCAR, citing the decision to ban Confederate flags from facilities. Trump said Wallace, the ...
The letter states the school division violated Title VI, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color or national origin ... the use of a Confederate flag and a threatening gesture made ...
A flag can be seen ... along the coast,” the National Park Service wrote online, adding that newcomers were among the first Black people to fire at the Confederate military.
A Utah lawmaker proposed a bill that would ban Pride flags, but allow Confederate and Nazi flags for educational purposes in government buildings and schools. The bill's sponsor, Rep. Trevor Lee ...