Ideal if you’d like to ... prepare to study at a university or institution of higher education in Germany provide evidence of your advanced German skills for a job application prepare to work in the ...
As a cricket enthusiast, you might think you would miss your go-to sport in Germany. But with over three hundred clubs, cricket is booming, defying Germany’s reputation as a football-dominated nation.
Jakarta semakin tenggelam – setiap tahun kota ini tenggelam beberapa sentimeter di bawah permukaan laut. Banjir semakin meningkat, namun penduduk di bagian kota yang paling terancam tetap tinggal di ...
Die Goldbären von Haribo feiern 100 Jahre Geburtstag! Weltweit essen jeden Tag 100 Millionen Menschen Gummibärchen. Insgesamt gibt es circa 1.000 verschiedene Gummibärchen-Sorten und jedes Jahr kommen ...
Le Goethe-Institut Tunis a soutenu Jihed Khmiri, artiste tunisien, lors d'une résidence musicale à Mahdia, du 24 au 30 novembre 2024. Une semaine intense à Mahdia pour clore un voyage créatif de plus ...