With colder weather expected over the next few days, the County of Sonoma, in partnership with the City of Sonoma, will open ...
Mark your calendars! The Sonoma Hometown Band will be spreading their holiday music cheer in the Sonoma Plaza on Saturday, ...
We’re pleased to introduce you to Pablo, our new Distribution Associate. You will see him at least twice monthly when he ...
Change is in the air. Not only on the national geopolitical level, but here at home. In the Sonoma Valley we have seen the ...
There are 13 major states in the U.S. that have declared Sanctuary status including California. There are 20 or more cities ...
Is CEO compensation too high? Perhaps, but should government interfere to lower it? That can be debated. What is more ...
The Transcendence Theatre Company will celebrate its tenth Holiday Production this month, with one set of performances at ...
Noah Zamora and Suleika Carrillo practice the art of the handshake as part of a job readiness program in the Empowerment ...
I just wanted to let you know that the Veterans’ Holiday Market was a great success thanks to your article in the Sun. Many ...
Over the last few weeks, you may have noticed a few changes to the county parking lot at 22 Boyes Blvd in the Springs. For ...
At a special meeting last night, Sonoma’s City Council approved a resolution of intent to transition from At-Large elections ...
What follows is a purely subjective report. I did not travel as a journalist. I traveled as a concerned human being with years of experience in Ukraine. When I was in Ukraine this fall, I was touched ...