Lulu Sun has made an incredible comeback to defeat Rebecca Šramková in the first round at Indian Wells. The Kiwi No 1 defeated her Slovakian opponent 6-3 1-6 7-6 (2) in the first match of the day on ...
Sonay Kartal’s unexpected entry into the Indian Wells main draw left her briefly without accommodations. Despite this, she’s ...
Účastníci sa schádzajú na Námestí SNP a podujatie bude pokračovať pochodom mestom do parku pod Pamätníkom SNP, kde odznejú ...
Horskí záchranári v Nízkych Tatrách pomáhali v pondelok na rázcestí Pod Krúpovou hoľou uviaznutému 35-ročnému českému ...
Slovenská tenistka Rebecca Šramková sa prebojovala už do štvrťfinále dvojhry na turnaji WTA v mexickej Meride.
Rebecca Šramková postúpila do štvrťfinále dvojhry na turnaji v mexickej Meride. V 2. kole vyradila tretiu nasadenú Brazílčanku Beatriz Haddadovú Maiovú 7:6 (8), 6:3. V dueli o postup do semifinále nas ...
Speaking after her victory against Slovakia’s Rebecca Šramková at the Qatar Open on Wednesday, Rybakina said she was “disappointed with the situation and how the process went,” according ...
I'm not going to comment much on that any more," the 25-year-old world number seven told reporters after her win over Rebecca Šramková at the Qatar Open. "I'm focusing on my matches, and when I ...