The vast and expansive Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise has recruited countless actors into its ranks. But the MCU isn't ...
The Miz is ready to celebrate The New Day for turning on Big E, going as far as to describe his fellow former WWE Champion as ...
Yann Tiersen has announced the release of his highly anticipated new album, Rathlin from a Distance | The Liquid Hour. In ...
Here are The Associated Press’ Film Writers Jake Coyle and Lindsey Bahr's picks for the best movies of 2024: ...
Beth Gibbons, the perpetually forlorn voice of Portishead, returned with a gorgeously melancholy album reflecting on time, ...
Trump has picked Noem as Homeland Security secretary, a job that includes overseeing FEMA. But some residents of her home ...
President Joe Biden is facing some pressure to pardon President-elect Donald Trump after his controversial pardon of Hunter ...
Matt Healy's most controversial moments as The 1975 frontman threatens to 'slap' rapper Azealia Banks - After the singer’s ...
Fans expect members of notable wrestling families to succeed. However, that isn't always the case. Legacy doesn't guarantee ...
Matty Healy’s 5 most teeth-gritting moments - As the singer physically threatens the rapper on X, let’s look at the other ...
The Football Association of Ireland has been forced to apologise after listing “Londonderry” rather than “Derry” in its match ...