A swarm of mild earthquakes that saw thousands of residents and visitors leave Santorini, Greece, on flights and ferries ...
Naked youths, sometimes wrestling like modern boxers and other times wandering while holding strings of fish; imposing bare-chested noblewomen with elaborate skirts and refined dragonfly-adorned ...
Three years after the publication of that paper, she revealed solid evidence of a massive tsunami in Israel, triggered by the Bronze Age eruption of Santorini. This catastrophic event has long puzzled ...
She says: “We’re seeing deep magma shifts, but not necessarily leading to an eruption. The earthquakes that come with this movement are relieving pressure beneath Santorini, which might ...
Greece will soon set up an evacuation port on the island of Santorini to facilitate the safe escape of people in case a bigger quake hits the popular tourist destination, a Greek minister said on ...
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — The Greek government’s chief seismologist says the frequency of earthquakes affecting Santorini and nearby ... causing a new volcanic eruption.” Scientists were ...
Seismic activity around Santorini and nearby Greek islands has ... causing a new volcanic eruption.” Scientists were developing a clearer picture after gathering data from multiple sensors ...
"The results showed that the elements in the ashes are similar to those of the Santorini eruption." Further examinations revealed that the ashes contained microscopic glass fragments, typical of ...
The Greek government’s chief seismologist says the frequency of earthquakes affecting Santorini and nearby ... causing a new volcanic eruption.” Scientists were developing a clearer picture ...
Greece’s chief seismologist says that while earthquake frequency around Santorini has slightly decreased ... causing a new volcanic eruption.” Scientists were developing a clearer picture ...
Santorini is no stranger to geological unrest – the island is volcanic and is still considered to be active, despite no significant eruption since the 1950s. While seismic activity can indicate ...