The abrupt closure of the de minimis loophole by the U.S. government is set to raise prices for American consumers purchasing affordable items from direct-from-China shopping sites like Shein and Temu ...
When U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to place 25 per cent tariffs on Canadian goods last week, organic snack foods company Made with Local stopped accepting orders from customers south of ...
Both sites grew exponentially in the U.S. in recent years helped by the so-called de minimis rule, a measure that exempted shipments worth less than $800 from import duties. A June 2023 report ...
The trade loophole is meant to ease small-scale sales — but critics say it's been abused and gives Chinese firms an unfair advantage. A trade loophole called de minimis helped drive explosive ...
A trade loophole called de minimis helped drive explosive growth for bargain sites such as Temu and Shein, allowing them to ship cheap goods from China to U.S. consumers without having to pay ...