In his book Fear No Pharaoh, Richard Kreitner examines the reactions of six Jewish Americans to slavery and the Civil War.
For this reason, the government turned away African American voluteers ... In the South, most slaves did not hear of the proclamation for months. But the purpose of the Civil War had now changed.
The "long, lanky" man carrying the American flag on Decoration Day in May 1909 was a familiar sight at patriotic events in ...
The film discusses the historical context leading to the American Civil War, focusing on the sectional tensions between free and slave states from 1818 to 1861. It highlights key events such as the ...
Horace King, a former slave, was a renowned bridge builder and architect ... during the Antebellum period” and “the ...
Less-known chapters of American history are arguably just ... and that Freedmen’s Bureau really helped to usher post-Civil War slaves into freedom," said Dr. Mitchell. If General Howard's ...
The American Civil War was arguably one of the most devastating conflicts in the history of the United States. Fought over slavery, it divided families and communities and, of course, the nation.
Economically, slavery was a dynamic and efficient system ... itself “thrilled by the death of our oppressor." The American Civil War left a bitter legacy. In the south, burned and devastated ...
Divided by Steve Sheinkin and Toby Cypress is a YA nonfiction graphic novel set in 1850s Washington DC, in a polarized nation ...
It had been listed in a record of 7,200 silent films classified as "lost" Sonja Anderson During the Civil War, Confederates ... kidnapping them to sell into slavery. After the conflict ended ...