Civil War drummer boy Willie Johnston received the Medal of Honor on Sept. 16, 1863, two months after his 13th birthday.
CHARLESTON, WV (WOWK) — West Virginia would not be the state it is today without the sacrifice made by thousands of Union soldiers who fought in the Civil War. However, many of those who fought ...
On Monday, Holmes and Booker introduced the United States Colored Troops ... served in the Union Navy during the Civil War with the Congressional Gold Medal. “Hundreds of thousands of African ...
Carl Sandburg For those who have valiantly engaged themselves in war, Sandburg’s ... "the President to distribute medals to privates in the Army of the United States who shall distinguish ...
4:1 — The ratio of people who attended church weekly to those who voted in the 1860 election 2.5 — Approximate percentage of the American population that died in the Civil War 7 million ...