The Heart Eyes Killer hunts and murders couples every ... As for Holt (“Cruel Summer”), talk about getting the assignment. She’s funny, she’s terrified, she’s fighting back — all ...
As likely to make you go "aww" as "ugh," Heart Eyes is a bloody valentine to both rom-coms and horror with affection for these seemingly disparate genres. Directed by Werewolves Within and Scare ...
Going into “Heart Eyes,” it seemed as if the new horror film directed by Josh Ruben would be a disappointing, overly similar slasher with a goofy premise. However, the film subverts all expectations, ...
Holt’s performance was impressive, and she showed her character’s true fear of being chased by a murderer in "Heart Eyes." ...
But that’s not really what’s important about “Heart Eyes,” in which Gooding proves himself to be a very funny leading man, Holt a steely, yet vulnerable final girl. The lore isn’t all ...
Bleeding Cool: How did you get involved with Heart Eyes? I came to 'Hard Eyes' through my agent. The producers had reached out to my agent and sent me a script. I looked at the script, and it was ...