Leave one hand dangling, as one Daytona 500 fan foolishly did last year, and the tip of a finger may get sliced off and lost in the infield muck. The afterparty morphed into a search party for the ...
After tomorrow’s Daytona 500 is all done ... Speedway and the party's about to pick up. This is just one of several homemade bars in and around the infield of Daytona International Speedway ...
Leave one hand dangling, as one Daytona 500 fan foolishly did last year, and the tip of a finger may get sliced off and lost in the infield muck. The afterparty morphed into a search party for the ...
Leave one hand dangling, as one Daytona 500 fan foolishly did last year, and the tip of a finger may get sliced off and lost in the infield muck. The afterparty morphed into a search party for the ...