Designating flags were used to organize army units, whereas other flags directly represented the two warring factions. This section displays objects that were used as flags during the Civil War ... of ...
Images like this one perpetuate the Left’s relentless lie that the Confederate flag is a Republican creation, rather than a Democratic invention. As the Civil War began, the Army of Northern ...
At the time of the Civil War, camera shutters were too slow to ... Strother’s terrifying assignment sketching the Confederate Army encampments outside Washington, D.C., which got him arrested ...
Artifacts found Metal detecting for confederate soldier civil war camps (private permission). After filming last week's ...
The flag is prominently featured in the cover art for Lil Jon ... also sold merchandise with the Civil War-era image in 2013, stating that he “took the Confederate flag and made it my flag.” ...
"It was said during the American Civil War that there were more Confederate flags flying here than in Richmond, Virginia — and Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy," Westgaph told CNN.
Oct 16, 2017 Oct 16, 2017 Updated Oct 16, 2017 Sixteen years and more than $3 million in taxpayer dollars later, a hidden collection of Civil War-era ... hands of a Confederate flag-inspired ...
"It was said during the American Civil War that there were more Confederate flags flying here than in Richmond, Virginia — and Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy," Westgaph told CNN.